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Hello there. I'm gonna uh check you through how to join an event as a speaker, er how to join a stage and then how to share your slides. All right, so I'm gonna present for you. Mm OK. You should, you can see my screen. So you will have received an invite. You are gonna join the event as a speaker, you will be able to join the stage. If you've had a speaker invite, you'll be able to join the stage. OK? This is what the delegates will see what you see now is what the delegates will see. OK? So you're just gonna join the stage. OK? It's gonna ask you for your camera and your microphone. Yep. If you have zoom or teams on, on your laptop, then this might hog your camera. OK? So make sure those things are off. All right. If you can't get onto the screen, there's a good chance you are at work and you have a firewall. OK? We do not want that. OK? So I'm gonna turn my MCA on for you so you can see me on the screen, but then I'm gonna turn it off. All right. So this is me. OK? So to share your screen, ideally, we want you to share a PDF. OK? So this is how we do that super easy to do. You just grab your PDF and it'll start loading. It'll take a few seconds but it, it's really not long in the scheme of things and it'll just save you um share it, especially if you've only got one screen, it'll save you sharing your screen, finding your F power point, putting it in to presenter mode, it'll just save all of that. The only downside to sharing a PDF is that you can't use your pointer. OK? So you'll have to describe lots as you can see, I can start presenting now. Uh So if I click on this, this is um one of our medical education uh slide events, fantastic event, by the way. Um So these are slides as you can see, my slides are still processing now, they've processed. OK? So I'm on slide four. I'm gonna stop presenting, but as you can see, they're right there now. OK? So let me turn my camera. I'm not gonna turn my mic on, let me turn my camera on. I'm gonna start presenting and I go back to slide four. OK? But I can go through all of them just by doing this. I can still see the chat. So this is where the delegates are, are I'm at. This is where the delegates are gonna put their chat, delegates won't see this. This is just for you as a um speaker moderator, admin, this is what you'll see, but don't worry about that. Um And that's where the delegates gonna pop things. You can actually create a pole if you want to. So you can go here, you can create a pole. Uh And that will just basically pop up on everyone's screen or what you can do is um what you can do is make it come up later, you can add it to a queue, OK? And it will be in here as well. All right. Uh If you decide that you want to share your entire screen because you've got moving images on your powerpoint, you will basically click entire screen, ok? What will happen is you've probably only got the one screen so you will come up with that. That is what's gonna happen. So then you will find your presentation down here, you'll pop it up on the screen, you'll put it into full presenter mode, but all you will see is your presentation. You will not see yourself and you will not see the chat unless you have two screens. Alright? Um So let's stop sharing that to broadcast. You're gonna click this, you can see that this has gone gray, so be ready and now we are live. So now I'm live now I know that I'm definitely gonna be seen and I'm definitely gonna be heard if I have my camera on my mic off as a speaker I won't be seen and heard, but as soon as I turn them on, I'm gonna be seen and I'm gonna be heard by our delegates. All right. Uh to stop, we're gonna click there, we're gonna say stop broadcasting again. It's gonna do the reverse. It's gonna circle, circle circle so we could possibly still be on stage or in transition period moving over. Now. We're not, we can't be seen. Alright. That's about it. Super easy. Um As a speaker, you won't have these, this go live. If you're a moderator, an admin or an owner of the organization, you will have that. Ok. That's about it. If you need any help, please do contact support at medal dot org. All right, have a lovely presentation. Take care. Bye.